Ray Rice Punch Video Backlash Dominates NFL News


UPDATE: Ray Rice (and I keep catching myself from saying Lewis) has been released by the Baltimore Ravens and suspended indefinitely by the NFL following the release of the video below.

Most fans had already seen the video of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice dragging his then fiancé’ out of an elevator unconscious. Rice has dominated the news after he received a two game suspension for his actions in the event. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell made a public admission that he got the suspension wrong and the NFL immediately changed it’s domestic abuse policy. Today, Rice is back in the news as a video has surfaced of what took place inside the elevator.

TMZSports released a video of Rice and Janay Palmer entering the elevator and then inside the elevator. Naturally there is no sound. The video is not easy to watch and it could have been so much worse as it appears that Palmers head strikes a rail as she is knocked unconscious. The video is posted below but as the couple enter the elevator they appear to be having an argument of some kind. Palmer appears to be having words with Rice who’s back is to the camera. She takes a step towards him, no fists or fingers raised, and Rice hits her with a left hook that sends her body crumbling to the ground.

That image is disturbing and the thought of what possessed him to do that is disturbing but what is, at least to me, the most disturbing element of this event is his actions afterwards.

Rice does nothing. Literally nothing.

At no time does he kneel beside her to see if she is o.k. He bends over her and lifts her up only to put her back down after the elevator doors close. He lifts her again as they are about to open. He drags her out of the elevator like she is a drunk a rag doll. He doesn’t even bother to get her all the way out. Instead he drops her outside the elevator with her legs still inside the doors. He grabs her purse and a shoe and then appears to almost kick her with his foot. He steps over her as though he has no idea who this woman is and his actions seem as though he doesn’t care at all.

UPDATE: The NFL may not be able to adjust the suspension to Rice but the Baltimore Ravens can deactivate him each week or release him. According to a Bleacher Report article on the subject Rice has lost support within his own locker room as well now.

On Twitter, other NFL players are taking a stand.

"I’m glad no one this morning seems to care about yesterday’s games. This piece of shit needs to be out of the league. Period.— Scott Fujita (@sfujita55) September 8, 2014"

Many more are thinking the same thing. The video, according to the NFL was never turned over to the NFL investigating team who looked into the February incident. Roger Goodell has said that he has not seen the video. Rice was charged with aggravated assault chargers by the Atlantic City police department but those were expunged from his record after he completed a pre-trial intervention program. Goodell however may need to reopen this case and hand down a stiffer punishment for Rice. Many believe that he will while others believe he has no choice.

Rice served the first of his two game suspension on Sunday but it’s hard to believe that he will take the field a week from this coming Sunday and if he does, fans should not embrace him. On day when fans and media should be focused on Monday night and Sunday results, instead we are focused on an horrendous act that for the most part went unpunished. What do you think the NFL should do now with this new video surfacing?
