Both Fred Evans and the Miami Dolphins should pay close attention and take note of the garbage sentence handed down today in the case of Redmond Burns.
In April of 2006, 25 year old Redmond Burns drove Jason Taylor’s black Infiniti SUV off the road at the intersection of Southwest 130th Avenue and Eighth Street. Burns exited his red pick-up truck, hurled racial remarks at Jason and his wife and then, according to arrest reports, attempted to stab Taylor with a metal object.
Burns was arrested and was charged with a slew of hate related crimes.
Today, the case was settled. In fact, settled is light compared to what Burns should have received. After copping a plea, Burns will get 1 year probation, pay a fine, and does not include the 51 bucks in court fees.
Fred Evans should take note to this. Burns while being arrested, kicked at the arresting officers and punched one of them. He tried kicking out the window of the squad car and eventually was pepper sprayed. As part of his plea deal, that charge, resisting arrest with violence and the same charge Evans has been charged with, was reduced to resisting arrest without violence.
In this “modern” age of NFL no tolerance, it is inevitable that Fred Evans will face the wraith of Roger Goodell, however, legally, even with his probation in Texas on marijuana possession charges, Evans should not have to endure much more of a penalty from the state of Florida than Burns.
Burns’ plea deal calls for random urine tests, a ban on contact with the Taylors and a $228 fine, which doesn’t include court fees of $51.
Fred Evans did not try and stab anyone, he did bite someone, he did not run anyone off the road or throw racial epithets at the officers or the cab drivers. Although I personally do not condone his actions, any thing more than what Burns received would be unjust. Not because Burns committed them against Jason Taylor, but because Burns committed a crime that easily could have been considered attempted murder and was not.
Fred Evans is no saint, by no means. However, Coach Cameron may want to sit back and really think about whether or not Evans should be cut. In fact, maybe a lot of us should. If you can run a guy off the road, try and stab him, then kick and punch the cops who try to arrest you, and then get what this guy got, I suppose under that precedent, getting kicked off a football team might be a little bit much.