Training Camp Preview – Wide Receivers

As we further dive into the Training Camp Preview, our offensive look turns to what could be the most talked about battle in TC, the Wide Receivers.

Up until a few days ago, the WR situation was such that many thought it to be a 3 way race for the final of what is expected to be 5 available spots, between David Sutton, PK Sam, and Kelly Campbell.  Campbell received his walking papers two days ago and that 3 way race has become a two way race.

You could almost say that the Miami Dolphins have had as much trouble with finding the right combination of WR’s as they have with finding a QB to throw it to them.  The only real spark on this unit last year, Wes Welker, is gone, leaving for New England after the Phins netted 2nd and 7th round picks for him.  The void left by Welker will have to be filled by someone, and at this point, both the number 2 and slot spots are up for grabs.


"Derek Hagan – 2 yearsDavid Sutton – RKerry Reed – RAz-Zahir Hakim – 10Marvin Allen – 1Chris Chambers – 7P.K. Sam – 2Michael Malone – RTed Ginn Jr. – RMarty Booker – 9"

The Situation: 

The Dolphins have as many questions surrounding their WR’s as any other position on the team.  Marty Booker, last years number 2 WR is still talked about being on the trade block.  His 3 million plus salary vs. his production is not in line and Cameron and Mueller have tried to move him with no takers.  Booker will enter the start of training camp as the number 2 WR on the team, but he may not last the entire pre-season with Miami if a trade partner can be found.  So if Booker leaves, what is there left?  Youth.  After Booker, Az-Zahir Hakim is the only veteran with any significant time, 10 years.  Derek Hagan is entering his 2nd year after a so-so rookie year.

The problem at WR is that so far during the mini-camps, no one has stood out.  On the positive, this is still a better working unit that anything that Cam Cameron had in SD.  Its a fair trade if you factor in the fact that Brown has yet to come close to LT.

Chris Chambers:

"This is it for Chambers.  No more excuses.  His career has resembled a roller coaster ride at Cedar Point up there in Sandusky, Oh.  His one invitation to the Pro-Bowl came during the only year with a solid offensive coordinator in Scott Linehan.  To Chambers credit, he has worked with some of the most mediocre QB’s in the league.  Which is why this year is it for him.  With Trent Green working with him from day 1, Chris will get the reps with Green.Debates over the talent of Chris Chambers still rage on in the forums across the web, yet no one will deny the fact that Chris is a human ESPN high-light reel.  The problem is that if he isn’t making the miracle catch, he tends to drop the easy ones. The knocks on Chambers is that he does not run crisp routes.  To that notion I do agree.  To some extent.  He does not always get full separation, partly due to a number of reasons concerning the defensive schemes geared towards taking on a poor QB unit.  For instance, many teams will roll up coverage on Chris’ side, successfully taking him out of the game plan.  Anyone who watched the season last year will tell you that many a games came and went where Chambers only had a few catches.  For the most part he was silent.Chris has more than Trent Green working in his favor this year.  He has 2 other vital things working with him.  Cam Cameron and the Cameron system.Cameron is spoken of as an offensive genius.  We will see.  Still, he is up there with Scott Linehan and Chambers flourished in that system.  Of course it took almost 4 games into the season to see Chris start making strides, but there was also QB problems then as well. The system may be the best Allie for Chambers.  No longer will he line up on the outside in the 1 slot and try and beat the double coverage and the rolling safeties.  Under this new system, Chambers will spend a lot of time in motion, the slot, and shifting sides to match up better with the defenders.  The motion alone will create miss-matches and could pit Chambers against a linebacker in some defensive schemes.  If it works the way it is supposed to, Chambers could be headed back to Hawaii this year.  If Chambers fails to produce this year, the Dolphins will be looking for another receiver next year.During the first min-camp with Cameron, Chambers was relegated to the 2nd teams after dropping several passes.  A trait that he is known for.  Should those drops continue, don’t be surprised to see someone else taking his spot during TC.  It will be a message sent, but realistically, Chambers and everyone else knows that there just isn’t the talent on this team behind him to be looking over his shoulder.  Of course, as I said, Cameron has always had worst so who really knows.This TC will be interesting for Chambers.  Keep an eye on his relationship with Green.  In terms of Chris, this is the one thing that will be a must watch.  If the two of them are to have a good season, results should be well noticed by game two of the pre-season.  If they are not on the same page by then, we could be looking at another month to get it right.  That takes us into the season."

Marty Booker:

"Booker for now is the undisputed number 2 WR.  It is a position that he may not have at the start of the season.  At least not for the Dolphins.  Talk has not abated on the Fins desire to trade the veteran wide-out.  Perhaps to watch the most in terms of Booker is the other 31 teams in the NFL.  As soon as another teams one or two WR goes down to injury, Bookers’ name will surface again.Until that time, as it is of course not a foregone conclusion that he will get traded, Booker will start off camp as the number 2.  Despite the fact that he has injury issues, Booker has been one of the most consistent and more dependable WRs’ on this team since being traded from Chicago.Booker does not have ideal speed, one of the reasons why his future on the team is unclear.  Mueller likes speed.  Still, his contributions to the team and the fact that he rarely drops the easy ball, makes him a reliable outlet for Trent Green.  Booker, despite his decreasing speed and age, will go over the middle and can get the separation needed on 3rd downs. Booker will not flourish in this system however, not to the degree that Chambers will or even the slot receiver will.  Booker, again, does not have the consistent speed.  Teams over the last few years have been able to double up and roll coverage onto Chambers because of the fact that Booker does not warrant double coverage.  However, the scheme will also put Booker or whoever the number 2 WR is, lined up on the wide side at the traditional number 1 spot, where there is no TE.Booker is going to be pressed by Derek Hagan for that spot, as well as Az-Zahir Hakim.  As I said, the portion of TC to watch in terms of Booker is what happens elsewhere in the league.  Also keep an eye on the amount of reps that Booker gets with the first unit.  If that number starts to dwindle, a trade may be close.  Miami will not likely pay 3 million dollars for a slot or a number 3 WR."

Derek Hagan:

"Here is where the battles begin.  Hagan showed some flashes of why he was drafted by Nick Saban last year, he also showed flashes of why he fell into the 3rd round.Hagan has been labeled a dropper.  He drops way too many passes.  He tends to let the ball into his chest instead of catching it in front of himself with his hands.  Last season on American Inventor, a guy came up with a gadget that forced the receiver to catch the ball in front of him.  Hagan could use that contraption.He has the speed, he can get the separation, and he runs clean routes.  His problems are in his head…and his hands.  If Hagan can overcome that problem, he could easily developed into a premiere number 2 WR. This TC it will be important to see how Hagan is used.  Will he be the new “slot” guy or will he push Booker for the 2 spot.  Hagan fits what you want in the 2 spot.  Speed, separation, will draw the roll from the safety, decoy for the deep ball.  He is fast to come back to the ball as well, but struggled last year when faced with a ball and his momentum going in opposite directions.  If Cameron is going to use Hagan, he may want to work out in the slot as Ginn will eventually be expected to hold the 1 or 2 spot.  If Chambers gets his act more consistent, then he and Ginn would be the two primaries.  Hagan would be the odd man out, but that is down the road.For this year, it’s all about what Cameron wants.  It’s hard to try and figure out where each piece will fit in the puzzle considering that we really don’t know what Cameron wants on the field.  We know he wants speed, but to what degree is that important?Hagan will make the team, there is little doubt about that, the question is where will he be.  My guess, slot.  Unless we see Booker traded, Hagan would fit better in the slot as a long term player.  Get his training done now."

Ted Ginn Jr.:

"So much has been talked about with TGJ and the poor kid has yet to play but 3 short mini camp practices.  Lets forget a minute about his ankle problem, his draft slot, and let us forget about the “whole Ginn family”.  Ted Ginn Jr, was drafted to be a PR this year.  He will need to develop into a WR.  He has the speed and there will be game situations that Ginn will go into the game to stretch the field.  It should not be surprising to see him play as the 2nd or even the 1 WR throughout the year.  Its the impact that he will make that should be watched.  He is not likely going to set any rookie WR records, but his presence on the field will surely make defenses account for him, provided that he has success in the return game.  If he can’t get the return game going, he won’t pose much of a decoy threat as a WR.Ginn is supposed to be healthy, at least 90 percent.  He can run, cut, and turn on his ankle.  Although he had some consistency problems in his first 3 practices, anyone who wants to point to that as a concern should really rethink that.  He is a rookie, and rookie WR’s rarely make any impact.  The fact that Miami spent a top 10 pick on Ginn makes it more of a magnification towards what he does.While watching TC this summer, and especially while watching Ginn, we must remember that he is a rookie, regardless of where he was drafted at.  Ginn does not yet exhibit the characteristics of a number 9 overall WR.  His game will be on Special Teams, whether as fans we like it or not."

Az-Zahir Hakim:

"Hakim is the wild card in this corp of receivers, as he can play the slot or the number 2.  He is not needed specifically as a veteran leader because of Chambers and Booker should he stick around.  Hakim will likely be the beneficiary in terms of playing time if Booker is traded.  He will compete from day 1 and although he has slowed down as he has aged, he is still a solid WR with good hands. Hakim should have little problem making this team.  He can still play in this league, just not at the level that he used to.  He is a solid back-up now and an insurance policy.  Hakim will battle out with Hagan and Booker for playing time, but watching them on the practice field may be pointless if your looking for who has an edge.  Booker will keep it for as long as he is healthy and in Miami.  Should Booker go, there will be a lot more drama between Hagan and Hakim."

PK Sam/David Sutton:

"Here is the battle.  The Dolphins will likely only keep 5 WRs on the roster.  They are loaded at prospective talent.  With Chambers, Hagan, and Hakim locks, and Booker a probable, only 1 spot is left if the Fins do in fact stay with 5.  That means that real battle is here, between PK Sam and David Sutton.Neither one of these guys has had enough experience in the NFL to really get into what they have and what they don’t.  Pads are a lot different then no-touch mini-camp.  In that regard, Sam has been in pads for the better part of 4 months if not more.  He is conditioned and has taken the hits.  Sutton on the other hand has had the opportunity to sit around and study the playbook.   Sam had a very impressive NFL Europa tour this year.  Some may argue that he should have been on the all-pro team.  Sam was named Offensive player of the week twice in a row.  He has the speed that Mueller loves, he has the drive and soft hands.  Still, he is a work in progress after being someone to watch while in NE.  He was released.Sutton is the guy who has made the most out of his opportunity thus far.  With Sam over in Europe, Sutton was able to practice with the team.  Reports were everywhere that the Dolphins brass was very impressed with the skill, speed, and attention that Sutton was displaying.  This will be an increasingly popular media subject come TC.  The battle for what could be the final spot at WR.In all honesty, I think that Sutton will take this spot if in fact Cameron sticks with 5 WRs and does not take one of these guys for special teams.  More realistically, they both make the roster.  Ginn will likely not be kept on as a WR this year, but as a PR.  This will free up at least 1 spot and both Sam and Sutton should make the roster. Booker again could also be key as his departure will free up a spot."

Waiver Wire names:

"It really doesn’t matter that Michael Malone is the son of NBA legend Moses Malone, he will still be cut.  Along with Malone, Kerry Reed and Marvin Allen will also see there names off the “you made it another day” list.  There really is not much to watch with these 3 simply because they stand very little chance of making the roster.  The odds are just too great."


The Dolphins have a young, deep WR group, of which only 5 will realistically make the team.  In addition to the above mentioned WRs’ the Dolphins also have Lorenzo Booker has collegiate experience lining up as a slot receiver.  If L. Booker can show that he is more than capable of contributing in that regard as well, the WR team not only becomes deeper, but it also becomes tighter in terms of who makes the roster.

There are 3 things to watch in TC in regards to the WRs.  1:  What is going on with Marty Booker.  Will he be traded.  2:  The reps that Ginn takes at WR.  If he is primarily used as the PR man, then he won’t likely take up a spot as a WR.  This year.  And 3:  The Battle between David Sutton and PK Sam.  Every year there is concern about a position, but rarely is there a really solid fight to look forward to.  This could be that fight.  Both know they are on the bubble and both have the skills to make this team.

My predictions are simple.  Chambers, Ginn, Booker (unless traded), Hakim, Sutton, and Sam will make the team.  Should the Dolphins only stick with 5 WRs and one of those names has to be left off, Sutton should make the team over Sam.  But watch that battle closely, it may the most competitive of the entire camp.
