A tale of two drafts

There is more than just the face of the Head Coach that has changed this year. There is the philosophy, the playbook, the quarterback, and ummm, the draft. Yes, the draft of the Miami Dolphins.

Saban had a rough go of it over the last 2 years in terms of finding quality free agents wit no money to spend, a top 3 draft pick in what many perceived to be the weakest draft in years, and then of course to finish with a 6 game winning streak and enter the following year with a 16th overall pick. Which in hind-sight, seems like a mighty big waste.

But that seems to have changed.

To really knuckle down and look at this years draft crop who have yet to play one single pre-season game, we need to examine last years as well, which is perhaps more than unfair so we will include the year before as well, just to make it even.


Ronnie Brown

Matt Roth

Channing Crowder

Travis Daniels

Anthony Alabi

Kevin Vickerson

The first draft by Saban was rather good considering. Brown who would not likely be considered a top 10 pick in a draft like last years, gets the shaft by fans and media alike because of the position he was drafted in. All Brown has done is posted very solid numbers. Matt Roth will be judged more this year as he has not seen the field but in a supporting role. Travis Daniels has been flirting with injury after showing a lot of promise and he too will be judged more on this years performance. Channing Crowder has started almost from day 1 and although he has some coverage problems can be considered a steal in the 3rd round. That leaves Alabi who is now starting on the Dolphins line. This is the first year that we will really get to see Alabi perform. He is coming off a knee injury that he has had scoped this off-season but Cam Cameron has been so impressed by his work ethic that he is giving him the shot to start. Kevin Vickerson has done more in the now defunct Europe league, but he did make their all-star roster this past year. Vickerson was a project when he was drafted, he had a lot of potential, but he was injured. Vickerson is trying to prove to the new coaches that he belongs. He is looking good thus far.

All in all, the 2005 draft has produced only 2 full time starters in Brown and Crowder, 3 potential starters in Alabi, Roth and Daniels, and a promising 7th rounder in Vickerson. The problem is that this is year 3, and we are still waiting on all but two of them to show what they have.

That brings us to last years draft. The 2006 draft can be summed up easily…no starters. Last year saw the 16th overall pick wasted on Jason Allen. A CB/S coming off a major hip injury and a lot of questions. We could go into the “what ifs” of who could have been taken, but I find that to be a waste of time. The fact is that Allen has done nothing and so far this off-season has shown little more than his first.

The draft picks:

Jason Allen

Daunte Culpepper

Derek Hagan

Joe Toledo

Fred Evans

Roderique Wright

Devon Aromashodu

I have already talked about Allen. Daunte Culpepper who was not drafted of course was the 2nd pick for the Miami Dolphins in the trade with Minny. He of course did nothing more than go 1-3 during the first month of last season before sitting out the rest of the year and then being cut this year. Derek Hagan is showing a lot of promise, most WRs take a year or two to develop so it is only fair that he gets graded out this year and then continued into next year as well. Joe Toledo has looked like a solid pick, the problem is that Joe Toledo can’t stay healthy long enough to make an impact or a block. Fred Evan of course has been released after a run in with Miami law enforcement after showing some very promising abilities and Devon Aromashodu did not make the team.

All in all, last years draft has bust written all over it. Allen is not looking good, Toledo can’t stay healthy, 2 others are gone, and the lone WR who is showing promise, saw another future WR drafted this year.

Now to the present. Of course there is no way to judge what is going to be produced by this crop of draft picks. It is next to impossible. However, if I used the word promising, it would be an understatement.

Cam Cameron and Randy Mueller had 11 draft picks to play with, they turned more heads this year than any of the last 4 or 5 years combined. In fact the last time that Dolphins fans were in such a tiz was when the name not Drew Brees was called out.

This years draft: Ted Ginn, John Beck, Samson Satele, Lorenzo Booker, Paul Soliai, Reagan Mauia, Drew Mormino, Kelvin Smith, Brandon Fields, Abraham Wright.

In the two previous years, the Miami Dolphins have amassed a total of 2 sure hit starters, and a possible 3 more. This year alone, Ginn will start on special teams, Mormino was drafted with the 2nd of two 6th round is starting as of now, Samson Satele is the starting center, Brandon Fields will be the new punter and he is looking to be a very very solid pick, Lorenzo Booker is looking like a gem in passing situations, Mauia and Soliai are showing that they are progressing and have a future in front of them. Wright and Smith will battle for a roster spot and then there is John Beck. Beck is looking everyday that he is more than the real deal. Accolades pour in around John Beck.

2 sure starters in 2 years, 3 potential others. This year? Every player but two are potential starters, and of those 9 players who are potential starters, all 9 could potentially be starting this year. Even John Beck.

If this seasons draft is any indication towards the Dolphins future, then that future is very bright. It is too early to tell, and likely we will not know until year 3. Still, the impressive part is that matched over the last two years, this years draft is far and away the best this team has had since Jason Taylor and Zach Thomas were drafted. That could be saying a lot.
