How Does Your Knee Feel Today Idiot?

There is class, an exhibition of sportsmanship that exudes the essence of the word. It is something that is shown by players like Manning, Brady, Montana, Marino, Kelly, Bruce Smith, Reggie White, and many, many others.

There is classless, an exhibition of sportsmanship by guys named Owens, Irvin, Romanowski, and a slew of others.

Then, there is Travis Johnson, an exhibition of sportsmanship that begs the question, How does your knee feel today? Idiot! Allow me to exhibit some of your classlessness and say, “I hope it hurts like hell!

It is easy to try and find some validation in the absurd taunting of a motionless QB. A reason to assume that after the heat of a play, you turn and point at the QB who you thought was trying to take a cheap shot at you. Perhaps not realizing that he was unconscious. Perhaps maybe even allowing that emotion to overwhelm you to the point that you stand over top of that downed player and inwardly thump your chest.

For most, maybe not. For Travis “I’m an Idiot” Johnson, it is nothing more than a poignant reminder of everything that is bad in an individual. It is a reminder of everything that is wrong with parenting and teaching. You see, the actions of Idiot Johnson, is not just a reflection onto himself, it is a reflection on his coaches, his teammates, his college coaches, his high-school coaches, and his parental upbringing.

Not because Idiot Johnson stood above Miami Dolphins motionless, lifeless, quarterback Trent Green, not because he taunted the lifeless guy on the floor of the domed stadium, it’s because of the remarks he made after the game. Remarks that defined the individual making them. It was those remarks that make Johnson and Idiot. An upper case Idiot.

"”At 12:01, I had a lot of respect for Trent Green,” Johnson said. “At 12:20, I said [expletive] Trent Green. To hit my knee like that, that’s uncalled for. He’s like the scarecrow — he wants to get courage while I’m not looking and hit me in my knee instead of trying to hit me in my head. God don’t like ugly — you know what I mean?””My knee ain’t never hurt like it hurt today,’When I was up in the air, looking at the ceiling, I was wondering what was going to happen if I came down on my head. It was a dirty play. Football’s not like that. If you want to hit me, hit me in my shoulders, not my knees. That just showed what type of man he is.”"

Johnson rambled on for another few seconds talking about wanting to eat, or feeding his fat ass, or something related to his career and eating…who really knows, and who really cares. What is known is that a Texans employee cut the interview off a few minutes too late and the brain dead Johnson had enough time to tell the world why his first name is Idiot.

Johnson would later appear before microphones and try and back-peddle from his earlier comments, not many would listen. In fact, 20 minutes after his outburst to media, a more somber Johnson spoke about the incident after urging from Texans coaches and management. His words, directed towards an apology, came up contrite and far off target.

"“I apologize for going off like that,” Johnson said. “As a D-lineman, when you have people going at your knees, it’s tough on you mentally. But at the same time, I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’m sorry the penalty ended up leading to a score.”I ended up hurting my team,” Johnson said. ”I shouldn’t have let my anger get to me. I apologized to coach Kub because I hurt my team. I should have kept my cool. But being in that situation, this is a game of controlled violence. Really, I let my anger get the best of me.”"

Honestly, I don’t believe that anything got the best of Mr. Idiot. I just think that natural mentality of him came to light. During the game? Sure, I can find an excuse for that…3 hours later? Not a chance, and you Sir, are an Idiot.
