Losing to the Jets wasn’t enough to fire the Miami Dolphins fans up. Cam Camerons‘ press conferences was not enough to get the fans fired up. No, apparently, when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. As the days of each week progress, more and more fans are screaming for the head of the much criticized head coach and his exceptionally silent General Manager, Randy Mueller.
This week alone has been especially tough, imagine how tough if you are a supporter of the retention of Cameron? Consider the week started off Sunday with the biggest loss of the season to a team who was the 2nd worst in the NFL. Yeah, that wasn’t pretty.
So, Cameron stands at the podium of his Monday press conference and tells the world that Trent Green, his IR QB was only relaying the plays to John Beck and not calling the game. That was true. Unfortunately for Cameron, he failed to mention that it was not Cam Cameron calling the plays, but instead, the even more despised TE coach, Mike Mularkey.
At first glance, I shook my head and said, “Thanks Cam, thanks for giving them something else to scream about, and me something else to defend. I appreciate that.” Then I sat and figured why even bother. I’m not changing anyones mind and no one is changing mine. In my opinion, the Mularkey thing is no big deal. It is however a sign that Cameron will likely be turning over the play calling duty at the end of the year, a good move. It also might imply that Cameron picked the best game to give Mularkey a shot to prove he is worth putting in that role. It didn’t work. Mularkey will either stay as the TE coach next year or will be unemployed.
Yeah, that was enough for one week don’t you think? No…now there is word that Zach Thomas the recent recepient of the IR tag was not as “unified” in the decision as Cameron led on his press conference. In fact, Thomas said that he “really felt he could get back this year and contribute”. Only problem? Thomas has missed 7 games. Some might say wait the last 4 what do you have to lose, well, if a guy can’t get cleared to play, why not give the spot to someone else? Like a rookie LB named Kelvin Smith?
Still, that is not enough to continue the feeding frenzy as Cameron has answered the Mularkey questions with “collective effort” in regards to calling plays. Mike Mularkey clearly was the responsible party for the plays called last Sunday and Cameron is still trying to deflect the responsibility of those calls onto himself. It’s sheepish to say the least. In reality, it fuels the fire of more irate fans, brings into question the mindset of a coach that is already reeling from 12 straight losses, divided the fans to epic proportions, and finally, makes it harder for those of us still riding the support bus to defend him.
The nice beautiful streamlined with HDTVs and the leather seats has long since been turned over to the yellow school busses where we no longer even have to share the adjoined seat with someone else. Wait, what’s that? Oh, go figure, the bus is about to pull over and I can see the little short bus with a driver waiving….well, at least I’m not the driver yet…but it sure is quiet around here.