Many fans thought that Jason Cole, now with Yahoo Sports was bad, hell, Armando “ye of little brains” Salguero is making Cole look like a genius. Time for the folks over at the Miami Herald to fire the fool and get someone in there who isn’t all about himself and criticizing the team.
I’m all for telling it like it is, from blasting Cam Cameron to questioning the spate of special teams players brought in during free agency. The handling of Jason Taylor and so on. But doesn’t there come a time when the critical stance just becomes…tiresome.
The editors over at the Herald actually wrote a blog explaining that “Bloggers” have to be accountable for the words, directed specifically at comments made by Salguero after he ripped Jason Taylor for not publicly stating he wanted to be traded during his charity golf media presser. Salguero only days before was the “breaking news” reporter that said JT would do just that. My how the egg dripped off his face. Salguero, as any proffessional journalist would do, tore into a tirade about how JT was a liar. I suppose either 1, he didn’t realize that JT is bigger than that, or 2, he just figured he could get more readers to bite on his drivel. Which is exactly what it has become…drivel.
Today, Salguero takes a swipe at the team in general, at one point comparing the marketing department to Barrack Obama…WTF? Earlier this off-season you may have noticed the “Respect the Code” marketing ploy on the official Miami Dolphins website. That has since been changed to “A New Beginning” with the faces of Parcells, Sparano, and Ireland instead of players like JT.
Well, Armando has taken upon himself to throw out his opinion on the failed campaign of “Respect the Code” to which I say, “Who the f^%k cares”. For Miami fans, the only thing we want to see is a new regime point this team in the right direction and then make it happen. The Phins can feed us any banner lines they want.
"“The campaign uses the novel approach of not promoting any player — you know, the guys most folks pay to see — because apparently the Dolphins don’t think any of their players would sell tickets.” – Salguero"
I’m sorry, what is the point in that other to drive a misplaced stab at the Phins organization? Of course there are no players to promote, it’s called rebuilding, something Salguero has been saying we should do for the last 2 years. Is he complaining about season ticket prices? Of course he is.
While season ticket prices have climbed to the sum of roughly 5 to 6 dollars per ticket, Mando makes this seem outrageous and unjust. Complaining that the Dolphins marketing campaign is failing because ticket prices are driving season ticket holders away as is the play on the field. This year alone he states that the marketing is a failure even with the addition of BP, JI, and TS and that even this new regime can’t save it. It has nothing to do with a weakened economy and horrible gas prices or anything else…no this is all because season ticket holders don’t want to pay an extra 5 bucks a game. Ironically, if a fan can afford season tickets in the 92 dollar a game range, they sure as hell can afford 98. On top of that, regardless of the play on the field, season ticket holders are still fans who support their team. Yes, some will drop the added hit to the wallet, but not because of a raise in prices and a “failed” marketing campaign.
Somewhere along the line someone seriously must have pissed all over Mando’s cheerios…not just in them. His brazen attacks and lack of anything remotely postive may have something to do with the swelled head of now being a “blogger” as well as a paid “journalist” a term I use loosely when associated with his name. Personally, I think the fact that Phins no longer allow “live” blogging of their practices has irritated him because now, he has to watch, then report, then submitt, and then gets to tend to his personal business…like it has always been for “real journalists”. Unlike last year when the Phins made it easy. Watch, type, hit enter, practice is over, interviews are over, now go home. Armando is finding that he actually might have to work for a change.
For a real “journalist” you may find a better read over at the Sun-Sentinel where Omar Kelly who also serves as a “blogger” not only has better insight but also is a lot more level headed when it comes to his criticism of the Miami Dolphins.
It’s really too bad though, there are some members of the Heralds Dolphins coverage team that actually are not that bad…unfortunately they suffer by having their names listed next to this fool.