This is your afternoon practice update LATE UPDATE

This is your afternoon practice update

Afternoon Update



This is your afternoon practice update.  Enjoy!  Watch for the “update” at the top.  I will be leaving for a few hours so there may be a delay in the updates, sorry, marriage committment.  If you can’t wait, please hit refresh often at the PBP.

Sorry for the delay. Wanted to watch some of the 11-on-11 drills.

  • First, they work on the Jumbo package. Two tight ends and a fullback. All hand-offs up the middle.
  • Patrick Cobbs makes a great little move on a counter play, breaking Travis Daniels and bursting up-field for about 15 yards.

11-on-11 drills

  • Henne is up first.
  • Throws a wobbler over Derek Hagan’s head, on nice coverage from Chris Crocker. Then a draw play to Ronnie, a forced throw to Fasano in double coverage, and a nice throw to Wilford on a 25-yard seam route. That one would’ve gone for 6.
  • McCown’s up.
  • Dump-off to David Martin, a nice square-in to Camarillo, an awesome one-handed catch by Selwyn Lymon and a little drag route to Ted Ginn. 4-for-4, but he’s coming close to not getting the passes off in time.
  • Beck’s turn.
  • He’s doing a MUCH better job getting the ball out quickly. He throws a check-down to Lex Hilliard, a nice hook-in to Jayson Foster, throws short and wide of David Martin and then panics on his last play and misses a check-down throw to Jalen Parmele.

Back in a bit.


Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Practice ended early, about 6:30, and I had to stay to talk to a few players.

Couple of really light practices today. Getting ready for tomorrow’s scrimmage, even though it won’t be full contact.

11-on-11 Red Zone drills

  • Henne goes first.
  • Coverage sack on the first play. Ginn, Wilford and Martin can’t get open in the end zone.
  • Ronnie Brown up the middle, Ricky to the right side, and then an overthrow of Wilford in the back of the end zone. Series over.
  • McCown up next.
  • Coverage sack, and throws out of bounds.
  • Parmele sweep left, nothing doing.
  • A check-down throw to Reagan Mauia. Another stalled drive.
  • Beck’s turn.
  • Throws a wobbler complete to Kircus on the right side.
  • Completes an out pattern to Ginn, but it’s a coverage sack.
  • Quick hitch to Hagan, who is horse-collared by Edmond Miles.
  • Overthrows Camarillo in the end zone.

Three quarterbacks, zero touchdowns.

They end the practice with 2-minute Full Team drills:

  • 1:35 on the clock, from their own 40.
  • Henne goes first.
  • Throws a bubble screen to Hagan, who takes it up-field about 8 yards. Nate Jones misses a tackle.
  • A quick out to Ted Ginn on the left sideline, gets out of bounds.
  • Sack for Vonnie Holliday. He blows right past Smiley and Jake Long. Not sure if this was a blown assignment, but Holliday has been all over the offensive line during camp.
  • Incomplete to Hagan.
  • Another quick out to Ginn. Nothing down-field for Henne.
  • This unit is done. Now it’s McCown’s turn.
  • Sacked on the first play by Merling. Nice move by Merling to beat Shawn Murphy to the inside.
  • Another sack on the second play. Randy Starks coasts through the line untouched.
  • Incomplete pass, with Ninkovich blowing past Heerspink around the left edge. He would have planted McCown in a real game. This second team O-Line is having some issues.
  • McCown rolls out right, sees nothing, and heads up-field about 6 yards before heading out of bounds


Hey guys, not too much going on yet. Just individual drills and such. Shorts and shells again this evening.

  • Halterman (back), Peelle (knee) and Steve McKinney (knee) are on the bike again. Michael Lehan (ankle) is still out. Reuben Riley (blisters) also isn’t out here.
  • No Quincy or Glenn sightings. Sparano wouldn’t tell us today what the plan is going forward with either two guys, so we’ll just have to speculate and be on the lookout until those situations are resolved.
  • The defensive line is doing a fun-looking drill, running around two giant circles in an 8-shaped formation. Paul Soliai is really chugging.
  • Sparano is watching the quarterbacks do handoffs and quick pass with the running backs. Boomer Grigsby sees one go right through his hands.
  • The DBs are doing an interception drill where they sprint back 30 yards, leap in the air and try to come up with the interception, while a position coach jumps in front of the ball as a distraction. A lot of balls are dropping to the ground, but Chris Roberson, the guy signed two days ago, makes a heck of a catch.