Anquan Boldin & Jay Cutler Are Not Coming To Miami


"“I’m a Florida guy, always will be a Florida guy at heart…If it happens, I’ll definitely be grateful.”"

So says Anquan Boldin who still is trying to talk his way out of Arizona.  Miami Dolphins fans are clamouring for the high-profile and highly talented WR.  It’s not going to happen.  While media reporters love to speculate and ask the questions like “Why not?” the truth is Boldin represents the one thing the Dolphins are trying to avoid.  Draft pick loss.  

Talented?  Yes you bet and don’t think for a minute that Bill Parcells and Jeff Ireland wouldn’t love to have the WR in aqua and orange.  The problem at the heart of the issue is compensation.  The Dolphins won’t give away a ton of picks including number 25 overall in round 1…regardless of who is or isn’t on the board when they pick, and they are not going to shell out some ridiculous contract to keep Boldin happen.

Anquan is a Florida guy and he is well within in his rights to send a quiet message to the Dolphins that he wants to play here.  That message however falls to the ground when “I want…” comes out of the mouths of the Arizona Cardinal brass.

Boldin would improve the Dolphins receiving core in a nano-second of his arrival.  But is he really worth the contract and the draft picks?  No.  Yes, I know that at 25 you won’t find a more polished receiver or anyone else that will help your ball club the way he will.  Still, this team is not in a position to start trading away draft picks on any level.  Not when they are trying to get younger and control the cap hit.  O.k. money is money and you got to spend it somewhere but is a cap hit the size of what Boldin reportedly wants worth it?

No.  Apparently he wants a deal close to the Larry Fitzgerald contract that was somewhere above 60 million if memory serves…chew me out if you want I don’t feel like looking it up right now.  Anquan Boldin would be great in Miami but it isn’t going to happen unless the Phins pull something with the Cards after the draft.  Something that would allow them to trade a 2010 pick away and have time to recoup it.  A player maybe.  Until then, the talk of Boldin and the talk from Boldin is nothing more than exactly…talk.

Jay Cutler is another subject that is getting a bit tiresome.  First, another solid young talent.  But is he really proven?  Despite is huge stats last year and Pro-Bowl appearance that he really didn’t deserve, Cutler couldn’t take his team to the playoffs.  In fact, they didn’t finish any better than 8-8.  

Cutler has a strong arm and even stronger ego that comes with tears and tiny violins.  He is not a consumate proffessional but instead Baby Huey in a football helmet.  He’s that kid everyone knew in the neighborhood growing up.  The one who actually did own the ball and would take it and go home when things didn’t go his way.

Cutler will likely end up in N.Y. with the Jets, Washington with the Skins, or Tampa with the Buc’s.  Only in Tampa will he likely be put in his place.  In NY…he will be in tears by the end of the season…the media start first and then fans will finish him off.  Honestly, I don’t know why we are sending all these troops to Afghanistan.  We could save a lot of money and make a lot America happy by sending Jets fans.  You know the Taliban would come out of the hills begging to be captured just from listening to them whine.

Cutler is not on the Dolphins radar and he shouldn’t be.  The Phins invested in Chad Henne…albeit unproven but really what has Cutler proven in his NFL career?  Nothing.  No Super Bowls.  No wild playoff victories.  Two years ago it was an undiagnosed Diabetic disorder…last year it was???  Exactly…every year it’s something. 

Chad Henne has the big arm, the size, and the cerebral talent to go with it.  What he lacks is simply field time.  He may or may not make it as a starting NFL QB.  One thing is for certain though.  His upside is good and that makes his value worth more than a trade for Cutler.  Denver says they want 2 1st round picks for the QB.  Even if they took Henne and the 25…I say the Phins would be paying too much.  Let it ride another year and let Cutler implode somewhere else.  He’s good, but he isn’t that good.