Submission: Final Number 20

This is our last general submission to our contest to find a new writer for our staff.  The current staff and myself will weigh the votes from all of the submissions and make a decision based on who we believe will be a good addition to our team.

Thank you to all of the fans who submitted articles and thank you to all of our readers for taking the time to embrace this long process and cast your votes on a daily basis.

Today, our final submission is from L.S.  Enjoy!

By: L.S.

The Holy Number

In the NFL I believe that every great football team is headed by a great quarterback. I don’t care how good the running backs are or how much ‘hands’ the star receiver’s have. The quarter back is the heart beat of the team, the command in chief on the field. Please note that I am a huge fan of defense and the quote “Defense wins games”, but unless your safeties, linebackers, and corners are scoring all the points, what good is a defense with an offense that can’t score. I really believe in Chad Henne, I think he’s our man. We’ve gone through countless quarterbacks since Dan Marino, and at the end of the day arguably, our lack of a ‘leader’ is what’s been holding us back as a football team to once again compete for the Vince Lombardi trophy. Some may argue well how come we did not get a ring with Dan Mario who is a Hall of Fame quarterback?  This argument is a fair one in deed but I feel there are a lot of elements that come into play to win a super bowl which I won’t go into detail now about, but to round it up the football God’s just did not bless Dan Marino with one. Then there are the other folks who cry and say “They let Drew Bress get away in the draft!” But guess what ladies and gents?! We didn’t attain him, he just was not destined to be here in Miami so for those of you who are still clinging on to this mirage… please get over it. We should be concerned about the goods we do have at home and how we can build on them. After Chad Pennington’s injury, Henne stepped up to the plate and did a great job, there is just something about Chad Henne, which shows so much potential that he is will blossom into something so special that these very words will be quoted (smiles). I’m not the superstitious type but the numbers don’t lie on the field, not to mention Henne’s jersey number, seven, “the holy number” (wink, wink). Chad will make magic this 2010 season so set the microwave to get the popcorn ready. True, one player can’t win football games but a leader can create a winning atmosphere to create a winning tradition, and with our new Oh-So popular additional players we’ve added to the Miami Dolphins roster this off season there is so much to look forward to come September. With it all that said and done do you believe in Henne cause I do.
