Are You A Displaced Fan?

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The NFL has many fans from the United States to Japan and everywhere in between…except if you travel directly over the Pacific Ocean and then maybe you find a one or two whales that were somehow included in some promotional spot for the league.  In any case, you get the idea.  The NFL is steadily becoming a world sport. Direct TV, yes the same ones who carry NFL Sunday Ticket are looking for the next “Displaced Fan”.

So what is a “Displaced fan”? Well, I suppose if your a Dolphins fan and live in New England, you would qualify.  I probably would as well considering I live in NC but what’s the hardship there?  I mean, I have Sunday Ticket and I don’t have to deal with the Brady fans on Monday’s.  I suppose if you live in New York, you qualify and you are probably deserving of the title.

Oh and make sure you visit one of the above links to cast your vote for the winner, some of these are actually pretty funny.  Like this one from last years winner.

So if you are one of those fans, then maybe you should get into the game and get yourself recognized for it.

You could win the Ultimate Super Bowl Prize Package or possibly one of 5 packages for the NFL Sunday Ticket and Direct TV packages.  I say go for it and while your at is, send us a copy of your video as well and I will post it here for the rest of our readers to see.

This is not an advertisement for Direct TV and we are not endorsing them by receiving promotional products ourselves, including anything from DTV themselves.  I just thought it was kind of cool that a New England or NY or Buffalo residing Miami fan can finally get recognized for the crap they have to go through to be Dolphins fans.

For more information on this visit the above links or click over to page 2 for the official DTV news release regarding this contest.
