Paul Miller over at Paul Miller over at

5 Q’s About The Bills


Paul Miller over at exchanged questions with this week regarding the Bills vs. Miami game this Sunday.  We wanted to get a good idea of what our teams may be facing this weekend.  You can read my answers to his questions, here.

Now that Lee Evans is on IR, who will step up at the WR spot?

"Stevie Johnson will probably get most of the looks on Sunday, butdon’t see surprised if rookie Naaman Roosevelt makes some noise.Roosevelt is an undrafted rookie out of the University at Buffalo whopracticeed a lot during training camp with the second team, which atthe time was led by Fitzpatrick.  Besides Roosevelt, the Bills will beusing a lot of David Nelson and Donald Jones, who are also rookies atthe WR position."

The Bills are said to be looking for a franchise QB, is Fitzpatrick going to be the QB next year even if the team drafts a QB?

"Yes, very rarely does a rookie QB have success in the NFL when he isjust thrown into the lions den.  Of course there are the exceptions(Sam Bradford this year) but why not have the rookie learn behind aveteran QB?  Fitzpatrick has shown enough this year to get thestarting nod at the beginning of the season, but he is definitely notthe long term answer for the Bills.  Drafting a QB and having himlearn a year or two behind Fitzpatrick wouldn’t be a bad idea."

The Bills have been playing very solid football lately, what has been the biggest key to changing their season around?

"Leadership.  Ryan Fitzpatrick took this helpless team on his back andstarted to show everyone that they could actually compete in thisleague.  With leadership came confidence, and it’s amazing what alittle confidence can do for a football team.  Now of course the Billshave cooled off a little, but they have lost the title of laughingstock of the league."

CJ Spiller was a beast in college and was one of the more electric prospects in this years draft.  Has he warranted his high draft slot?

"We are going to need another year or two to determine if Spiller wasthe correct pick at # 9 by the Bills.  At the end of this season, myanswer is no, let me make that hell no.  With so many holes on bothoffense and defense, RB was definitely not one of them coming into theseason.  And even at 3-10, the Bills continue to use Fred Jackson andlimit Spiller’s touches."

"Hopefully Coach Gailey will have a fresh game plan for Spiller cominginto next season, or he will soon be given the bust label.  But I dopreach patience to Bills fans when it comes to young running backs.Just look at how Darren Mcfadden is finally playing this year, thereis hope!"

What will the score be?

"Chad Henne will throw 2 INTs in this game, and one of those INTs willbe a pick 6, which will help give the Bills a 17-10 victory."