Dolphins Day One Delivers More Questions Than Answers


The Indianapolis Colts just announced that Reggie Wayne will return for another four years.  In Tampa, Vincent Jackson signed a 55 million dollar deal and up in Buffalo, the Bills added Robert Meachem.  All across the NFL landscape teams have been slowly filling in pieces to their rosters.  Most notably the Washington Redskins who paid handsomely for Pierre Garcon and Josh Morgan.  Yes, all three WR’s.  It was the move that Chicago made at exactly 4:00 that had the NFL world buzzing.

Brandon Marshall was traded to the Bears for two third round draft picks.  One in 2012 and the other in 2013.  This years 3rd is the 74th overall pick and gives the Dolphins back to back selections in the round and four picks in the first 75.  Still, it’s what didn’t happen next that has fans and media scratching their heads.  Nothing.

Yep, nothing.  No emerging deal with Peyton Manning.  No breakthrough deal with Matt Flynn.  No high-end higher character WR to replace Marshall.  Armando Salguero “tweeted” shortly after the move that he had sent a text to a source asking what was going on and got a reply that said, “Be patient you will see”.  We are all still being patient but are watching top WR’s leave the free agent list.

If the Dolphins want a free agent WR, they need to act fast.  Mario Manningham, Laurent Robinson, and Brandon Lloyd are the top three remaining.  Then you get to the Ted Ginn’s.  While the Dolphins are playing it close to the hip and have locked down all communication out of Davie, fans are getting restless and questioning the strength of an organization that has been marred by criticism the last few years.  Suddenly, the Miami Dolphins who were supposed to provide answers have left the fanbase and the media asking more questions.  Like, “what exactly is the plan here?”

The good news is that free agency is still very young and at least one high-profile free agent has made his way to the Dolphins headquarters.

Recently released OT Eric Winston is being courted by the Dolphins as we speak apparently.  He was on his way to Miami earlier in the day.  His older brother is a regional scout for Miami and he played his college ball at “The U”.  Winston would anchor the right side of the line and improve the offense immediately.  The Dolphins are also flying in FA corner Richard Marshall as well.  Marshall would be another solid addition.  The team is also in talks to re-sign RB Steve Slaton as well.

As I write this news continues to pour in and the Dolphins apparently are looking at WR Laurent Robinson formerly of the Dallas Cowboys to replace Brandon Marshall.  The reality is though, this is not what fans are waiting to hear about.  They want to know who is going to throw the ball.  Peyton Manning will meet with the Titans on Wednesday and thus drag at least four teams into a further hold pattern.  Matt Flynn is talking contract with the Dolphins and the Browns and there is no word out of Seattle where it is awkwardly quiet.

The Dolphins fans won’t likely have any answers soon but the fact that the Phins are entertaining other free agent positions could be an indication that they are prepared to move away from the Peyton Manning ordeal.  Right now it’s up to Jeff Ireland and it appears that we are no closer to answers but it does seem that as time ticks away, we may just have more questions.

We will keep you posted as more and more NFL news breaks throughout the night…at least until I pass out.