Most fans want Ryan Tannehill with the 8th overall pick in n..."/> Most fans want Ryan Tannehill with the 8th overall pick in n..."/>

Ireland Setting Stage For A Dolphins Pass On Tannehill?


Most fans want Ryan Tannehill with the 8th overall pick in next weeks draft.  While he is not considered an immediate starter fans want hope rather than someone that may play now but solves nothing at the one position the Dolphins have changed more than coaches in the last 15 years.  They want a QB.  While most of the time Jeff Ireland is pretty coy about his choices and thoughts on a player or where he may draft, an interview recently spells out the possibility that the Dolphins may in fact pass on Tannehill if he is there.  Maybe.

"“He’s a great kid. He’s smart, tough, has a good family background.  There are times you should go after a first-round quarterback, but you shouldn’t be pressured into it,” Ireland said or Ryan Tannehill and the first round selection as posted on"

The pressure that Ireland is referring to is from the media and the fan base who continually mock the Dolphins taking Tannehill and the many other media pundits who believe the the Dolphins should trade up for him.  Ireland also said that his draft board has not changed considerably since the end of the college football season and that he will in fact go off his draft board.

Perhaps the most glaring indication of his intentions arrived through this quote.

"“There are certainly some glaring things that are hitting me this year,” Ireland said. “I have a pretty good idea of what I want at No. 8.”"

This is where things get a little complicated and the smoke and mirror gamesmanship steps it up another notch.  Ireland could be doing a few dances on this front.  By keeping skeptical of Ryan Tannehill he could be sending out the message “Hey, no need to move up to get him, we don’t want him”.  Or he could be sending another message that “Tannehill isn’t my target so whoever that “other” target is, if you want that guy you need to call me and make a deal.”  Or of course he could be sitting there saying that whoever is the top guy on his board, the idea of who he wants is exactly who he will take.

Truth be told, if Ireland is targeting one of the top 7 players, five if you exclude Andrew Luck and RGIII, it bodes well for his agenda if a team does in fact trade up to get Tannehill before the Dolphins allowing one of those to fall to Miami.  Welcome to the world of pre-draft confusion.