Jets Fans Or Patriots Fans: A Dolphins Fan’s Dilemma

I have taken some time off from blogging recently as I relocated my entire life from the beautiful Jersey Shore, where I spent the past 22 years of my life, to central Connecticut. The stresses of moving have been difficult for me. I am starting a new job in a new place where I don’t know anyone or have any family. Yet, I am still excited about the new opportunities I am presented with. Or at least I was until I made a horrific discovery… I am now a New Englander.

Initially the thought of being a New Englander didn’t bother me all that much. I just figured I’d go to Dunkin Donuts more often and maybe buy myself a pair of Sperrys. My new town is nice, I have a Stew Leonard’s I can shop at, in fact I like most aspects of my new digs, except for the sheer volume of Patriots fans that I am now forced to interact with. My co-workers, my boss, my neighbors, so many of them are fans of one of my most hated teams. I am a life long Dolphin fan having grown up in New Jersey less than 90 minutes from the Meadowlands. So, my whole life I have interacted with mostly Jets fans. Jets fans, however, are easy to deal with: You listen to their pompous over confidence and blind loyalty to Rex Ryan, you say the words ‘fake spike’ or something along those lines and simply walk away. So far I can’t decide what is worse; living with Jets fans or Pats fans EVERYWHERE.

Patriots fans are pretty much the opposite of Jets fans, rather than being loud and obnoxious, Patriots fans are smug and condescending. So sure of the fact that they have the “greatest” QB- Coach combo of all time in Bill Belichick  and Tom Brady. I am already dreading having to hear them discuss how they “really should have beaten the Giants in both superbowls”  (Or what ever Pats fans talk about) on Monday’s at the water cooler. Sure its probably not as bad as listening to the Superbowl guarantees of every random Mark Sanchez jersey wearing Jets fan I have encounterd in my life, but its pretty bad.

While I am sure there are decent people who are fans of either the Jets or the Pats (the law of averages would indicate that) I still don’t want to be surrounded by them. In my three days up here I have met two other Dolphins fans, so perhaps there is hope for this place, but as I am trading one fan base for another and moving north, I am finding it difficult to decide what fan base is worse. So, I want to pose the question to you, what hostile territory is worse for a Dolphins fan to live.

Glad to be posting again. Phins Up!

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