Ryan Tannehill Named Miami’s Starting QB

Well Phin Phanatics it’s official, Ryan Tannehill is our starting QB.  I cannot say I am thrilled but at least we have an answer and if he is Head Coach Joe Philbin’s choice then I stand behind the decision whole heartedly.  I have alot of faith in Coach Philbin and he was my choice from day one.  I always very skeptical of Tannehill and thought he was more then just a stretch at the number 8 spot in the draft with his limited experience but he apparently proved himself in camp and made the coaches believe he was the QB of the future.

Coach Philbin could have taken the easy road and gone with veteren QB Matt Moore but instead chose to go with his rookie QB and give him not only confidence but also an oppurtunity to learn early and fast.  Tannehill is now going to learn how to play in the NFL on the go. Baptism by fire is a quick way to learn and makes you learn from your mistakes much faster then sitting on the sideline or learning in practice.

Now that we have a QB, lets get him some help.  No QB can have a succesfull season, weather veteren or rookie, without some help at the reciever positions.  It must sound like a broken record by now but Miami’s recieving corps is one, if not the worst, in the leauge.  The receivers are led by veteren Devone Bess who has amazing hands and great route running ability.  After Bess the next best receiver is…….. .  Who knows?  Roberto Wallace was suppposed to step up and be the man but has yet to show any real talent other then great size and speed.  Marlon Moore, Julius Pruitt and Clyde Gates have all been on this team for 2 years or more and have yet to prove they can be a top reciever.

Legedu Naanee has stepped up and earned a top spot but has been all but invisible during the preseason.  Jeff Fuller is so far following in the steps of Devone Bess and is coming in as an undrafted rookie that has a real shot at making the team.  Chris Hogan also seems to be making a real impression on the coaches with his uncanny ability to get open almost all the time.  Unfortuantly none of these guys are truly proven in real games and hae yet to really show what they can do.

Tannehill is the QB of the future and the Phins need to make sure the he is protected and that he has the help on the outside that he needs to succeed.  The strong running game lead by Reggie Bush will be able to take some of the pressure off Tannehill when hes in trouble or needs a second to breath, but the West Coast Offense does not exactly allow for that to happen too often.  If the O-line can give Tannehill the time, and the recievers really step up(or they find a receiver looking for a job that can be a real threat i.e Mike Wallace), then he can really be successful and lead this team to a playoff game and maybe even a bowl game.  But he can not do it alone and must have help and alot of it.
