Is This The New Miami Dolphins Logo?

The Miami Dolphins were eliminated from playoff contention today when the Cincinnati Bengals beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in overtime.  For Dolphins fans it’s time to start looking towards the off-season.  One of the off-season menu items is a new team logo as well as new Nike designed uniforms.

Our friends over at got a scoop that the logo above may be the new logo for the team.  They caution that the image is a rendering and that the final logo will not necessarily be that exact version.  For the information on how they came to get the image, click over to

My initial reaction was not overly positive and while I am hoping that this is not the final version, a similar version of this wouldn’t be bad.  The sun-burst to me is a little off but nothing that turns me off of it.  The real changes come to the Dolphin.

There is little to no doubt that the new look logo will NOT have the helmet.  Mike Dee made an off the cuff comment at Novembers Web Weekend that a fan with a Phins tattoo would have the “retro-design”.  It’s well rumored that the helmet will be gone…(and to think I just got my tattoo updated WITH the logo).

To me the logo seems more like a design that will change in another five to six years.  I don’t see the longevity of it.  It’s too modern.  Don’t get me wrong, there are things that I do like about it.  For one, I like the Dolphin itself but that could be more from the fact that I hate the current cartoon logo that came into existence when Jimmy Johnson took over the team.

I like the lines but where it fails is in the tail.  I hope that the tail turns down instead of up.  The image of a breaching dolphin is really the trademark of the team and it’s relation to the Miami area.  This version appears to be more of a Sea World dolphin sliding up on a makeshift float with it’s tail turned high.

As I said and as the folks at NYC point out, there is nothing definitive about this logo in terms of it being official.  We can only surmise that maybe this is the direction that the team will take moving forward…or something very close to it.  In my opinion, I would guess that this “rumor” is more likely closer to the real logo than anything resembling the old one.
