It's early July and the Miami Dolphins will be starting cam..."/> It's early July and the Miami Dolphins will be starting cam..."/>

Fantasy Football Charity Leagues Starting Now!


It’s early July and the Miami Dolphins will be starting camp in less than 10 days.  It’s football season and how can you NOT be excited about that!  Pretty soon the kids will be back in school the leaves will be changing color and Sunday’s will once again be turned over to the screaming fans of the NFL and the screaming cries of fantasy football players.  And once again with the return of the 2013 NFL season comes the 4th season of the Charity FF season!

This year we are going to spice it up just a little bit.

Five dollars from your entry fee will go towards our charity drive and your name will not only appear on our donations page but will also appear in our 2014 Miami Dolphins PhinPhanatic Preview Guide.  The 2013 Preview Guide will be published in the coming weeks on iTunes for free and announcement of when that will be available will be coming soon.  In the meantime, your $5.00’s will be going once again to the Miami Dolphins Cycling Challenge in the name of our site as we “Ride for Tom Eddie”.  Tom lost his battle with cancer years ago and we (the Dolphins fan-site Webmasters) honor him each year by virtually riding under his name.

So the leagues!  This year 12 teams will draft but you will only compete against 11 teams.  A total of $150.00 will be paid out to the first place team and $50.00 will be paid out to the second place team and 3rd place will receive their $20.00 entry fee back.  The rest is donated.  As the 12th team, I will draft a team and compete and commish the league but I will not compete in the playoffs.  Should my team make the playoffs, the next team below will receive my seeding.  That gives you a 1-11 chance of winning the league.  The entry fee is 25.00.

Last year our leagues were so popular that we held six leagues that raised $360.00 of the total $600.00 raised by for this charity.  I believe we can do more.  Fee free to invite your friends to play along as well in the same league with you.  If you would like me to manage your own private league contact me directly at and for a minimal donation to this charity drive I will be more than happy to oblige.

The leagues are forming now and draft dates will be set early so that everyone will be able to make those draft dates and times.  PLEASE NOTE:  Once the league is full there will be NO refunds on submitted payments for the league.  If you have to leave the league for any reason, your funds will be used to fill the vacancy if necessary or will be added in full to the charity funding.  Absolutely NO money from these leagues is kept by any members of this site.

If you wish to join a league please Email me at  These leagues filled early last year and I will be limited once again in the number of leagues we will have.  Leagues are hosted on ESPN and use standard scoring and roster sizes without IDP positions.  You may also Email me to find out more ways to donate to our charity drive.

In addition, I will also be doing work.  Can’t make your draft?  Need some advice on your draft?  No problem, look me up on under Txmedic5 and I’ll take care of it all for you.  The proceeds from there too will also benefit this drive as well.

UPDATED:  The entry fee is 25.00.