Tannehill Looks To Dolphins Past For Tips


In a recent conference call with season ticket holders and select fans, Miami Dolphins second year starting quarterback Ryan Tannehill dished off a few tidbits about his admiration and involvement with quarterbacks from Dolphins’ past.

After a response to a fan’s question about what superhero he admired growing up, the Finsider’s Jesse Agler followed that question up by asking him who his favorite player was growing up.

Tannehill’s response was there were more than just one player but that all of them were quarterbacks, with his favorite during his early childhood being all Hall of Famers in Dallas Cowboy’s Troy Aikman, Miami Dolphins great Dan Marino, and San Francisco’s Steve Young.

I find those three players interesting as there are attributes in Tannehill’s game that resemble those greats, such as Aikmen’s toughness, Marino’s quick release, and Young’s mobility. Making Tannehill an extremely talented prospect with the opportunity to realize his potential with hard work and dedication.

Tannehill is fast proving his work ethic by watching and evaluating game tape on himself, along with analyzing tape of some of the greats in order to improve at his craft, and assuming a leadership role on the team assembling workouts with teammates during the off-season.

In response to a fan’s question about whether he has any veteran quarterbacks he looks up to or has reached out to for guidance and mentorship, Tannehill responded with some nuggets that show his willingness to learn and improve.

Tannehill answered he has a lot of quarterbacks that he likes to watch tape of to help improve his technique and fundamentals, while also sharing info about his personal relationship with former Dolphins’ quarterback Chad Pennington.

Tannehill stated Pennington is someone he’s reached out to personally after spending time with him and hitting it off during mini camp in the spring.

With their relationship built to the point where Tannehill visited Pennington at his home in Kentucky spending time learning from Pennington about the game and picking his brain for insight on life both on and of the field, leaving Tannehill to conclude his answer with “Chad has been a big help to me”.

With Tannehill utilizing tape cut ups of a former Dolphins great and receiving quality advice from the last quarterback to lead the Dolphins to the playoffs, Tannehill seems to “Get it” when it comes to taking the next step in his development.