2013 Miami Dolphins Top 10 Stories
By Brian Miller
Number 2: Out With The Old
On the advance of the NFL Draft the Miami Dolphins announced that they would unveil their new uniforms. Announced changes had been leaked prior to the 2013 calendar year but the design itself was being kept secret. Then, an employee of Nike took a picture with his cell phone of what appeared to be the new logo. That picture was then passed on to a Miami Dolphins fansite, DolfansNYC.com and the leaked image spread. With the draft still a few weeks away the Dolphins announced an unveiling party for the logo that had already been leaked but unconfirmed.
All that was left was the new uniforms. Immediately fans took to posting their likes and dislikes about the uniforms with most feedback balancing out equally between both. As the season opened and the uniforms were seen in action, many fans began to allow the new look to grow on them. Others absolutely loved the new design with a more retro color look while others still hated it. Unfortunately the new look only improved the team by one game.