Miami Dolphins Year In Review: March

ByBrian Miller|
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March is said to roll in like a lion and out like a lamb and in 2014 you could say that was the case as the Miami Dolphins made early splashes in free agency. The month would mark the first glimpse into what exactly the Dolphins off-season plan was under new general manager Dennis Hickey. Hickey had been on the job a little over a month when free agency began. Here is a look at the month of March in our continuing month to month look at the Miami Dolphins 2014 season.

March 5th

Nolan Carroll is told that he will not be re-signed allowing him to hit the free agent market.

March 6th

The attorney for Kevin O’Neill threatens to file a lawsuit over his clients termination as part of the Ted Wells’ report. O’Neill was an 18 year member of the organization.
