10 years later: PhinPhanatic is 10 years old!

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It’s been 10 years since this site became active and our coverage of the Miami Dolphins began. Happy birthday PhinPhanatic.com.

Taking a trip down memory lane may not be all that interesting to most readers but if you are one of the few, and I mean that literally, who have been with us since the beginning you will likely find some of the content in this slide show funny. And you will also laugh when you remember how many times I stuck up for the wrong person or created waves that didn’t need any motion at all.

If reading about how this site came about and how I ended up here bores you, no worries you can skip to the bottom and start the slide show of our last 10 years.

How did all this start? Well for that we need to slide back to the beginning. See the site isn’t just turning 10 years old, I’m sort of turning 10 along with it because I was the first hire by two brothers from Kansas City who had an idea.

In late February of 2007 I was a member of the Miami Herald forum, that old forum that was really entertaining. If you remember that then you are one of those “few” I mentioned earlier. Back then I went by a couple of different “screen names” but settled on Txmedic5 eventually. So why Txmedic5? Well at the time I lived in Texas and I was a paramedic and 1,2,3, and 4 were already taken.

One afternoon a post was put up about looking for a writer for a new Dolphins site. It was going to be the 2nd site in a newly forming “family friendly” sports network. The only other site was ArrowheadAddict.com and now a Dolphins site was in development. PhinPhanatic.com was born.

I didn’t apply for this job. I thought they wanted “real” writers. 10 years later I’m still waiting for them to tell me I’ve been replaced with one. After these brothers from FanSided posted the forum message they contacted me directly. Why? Because apparently the response they received from the members of the forum was to hire me. I agreed and joined the team. At that moment, Adam and Zach Best became my mentors, my friends, and my brothers. As well as my therapists.

That was, again, 10 years ago. I was 38 years old. My son was three and my other kids were nothing but an imaginary thought. I won’t bore you with a play by play of every year but here is a look back at the highlights and yes, the lowlights of our first 10 years as PhinPhanatic.com. Which by the way, is all owed to each of you who have kept up with us over the years and kept us in line at the same time.
