The 2017 fantasy football season won’t start until September but drafts will be popping up starting in mid-August.
For the 11th season we will be sponsoring several fantasy football leagues tailored so that you can have some fun with other Miami Dolphins fans assuring yourself that you have joined a committed and competitive league.
To join one of the leagues below simply email me at with your name, email address, AND the league with the draft date you want to join. Dues for the leagues will be handled through League Safe and is due by August 23rd.
NOTE: The free leagues have been cancelled due to lack of interest.
There are two league types remaining. Our $25.00 league and our $100.00 league.
Here are the UPDATED league draft dates with availability for each league.
$100.00 league: 3 tentative
About: These leagues are 12 person leagues with the first six teams receiving their money back. Payouts are $400 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, $200 for 3rd, $100 for 4th, $100 for 5th, and $100 for 6th.
Roster size: QB, 2-RB’s, 2-WR’s, 1 TE, 2 Flex, K, Def
Scoring: Standard scoring with these two exceptions: QB’s get 6 per touchdown pass and all leagues are PPR.
Draft dates: All are 8:00 p.m. Eastern
August 30th – Wednesday – 4 spots available
August 30th – Wednesday – 2 spots available
August 31st – Thursday – 6 spots available
Draft Order: Randomized on ESPN when league is full and all teams have submitted payment.
$25.00 leagues: 3 only
About: Entry for these leagues is $25.00. I do not play in these leagues to win. I manage a team. If I take any of the playoff spots, the next person in line advances. In essence you have a 1 in 11 chance of winning.
Payouts: $100.00 for 1st, $75.00 for 2nd, $45, 00 3rd
NOTE: A $5.00 fee is imposed on each team as an admin fee. This is money that is used throughout the year for our sites charity drives and donations. Please be aware of this should you join one of these leagues.
Roster sizes: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, TE, Flex, K, Def
Scoring: QB’s – 6 points per TD, PPR, all other scoring is standard
Draft Dates: All are at 8:00 p.m.
August 27th – Sunday – 2 spots available
September 5th – Tuesday – 7 spots available
September 6th – Wednesday – 9 spots available
Draft Order – 1 hour before draft via ESPN
Free Leagues: CANCELLED due to lack of interest