One Miami Dolphins season ticket holder doesn’t like the booing

Dave Buchler and Gino Vitale outside their tailgate section.
Dave Buchler and Gino Vitale outside their tailgate section.

The Miami Dolphins offense did not look good last Sunday. Or the Sunday before that. Or the Sunday before that. Chants of “We want Moore” resonated loudly off the stadium roof and back towards the field.

Loud? Yes it was. Sitting in the stadium watching the game live, it was clear that the Dolphins fan base in the stadium wanted change. At least one season ticket holder however doesn’t share that same mentality. At least not openly and as it relates to the chants and boos? He wasn’t thrilled with that either.

Dolphins fan-site webaster Dave Buchler of has owned season tickets for a very long time. He hosts one of the more prominent tailgate parties on the stadium grounds. He has flown every year to London to watch the Dolphins play and this year will be flying to Atlanta and Carolina to watch those games as well.

So don’t mess with his Dolphins.

Dave wrote a quasi-op-ed following the game and brings up some points about what is seen live and what is seen on television. As Dave puts it, the chanting makes us look bad, it was embarrassing to some degree.

Dave didn’t say that there wasn’t any issues. He fully agrees that the Dolphins offense is pathetic and has been for several games but he points out on his blog that Jay Cutler wasn’t the only problem on Sunday. The offensive line isn’t doing its job either. When Cutler was able to throw the ball, receivers were dropping the passes.

In some respects Dave is right. There are issues with all of the wheels on offense. Jay Ajayi who was a huge factor last season is an afterthought this season and let us be real, it’s not his running of the ball that is the problem. So should this same respect not also be given to Cutler?


While it is clear what Dave said on his blog, the reality is that Cutler is giving up a bit early on plays but the other reality is that the Dolphins are not giving him the right plays to be successful and frankly, the offense is anemic. brings up some valid points but they are not likely to stop the chanting when the Dophins return home in two weeks should the offensive woes continue. Miami fans are very quick to blame the quarterback and that is not always accurate.

Check out Dave’s blog by going to
