Rather a lack thereof actually. This Dolphins team is penalized more than any other Dolphins team in history. That is not a fact but more of an observation. It seems that every play comes with a yellow flag and Miami spends as much time moving backwards as they do moving forwards. That is on Gase.
This team seriously has a discipline problem. The flags, the personal foul penalties, the taking plays off, and on and on and on. In 2016 the Dolphins ran through a six game winning streak that took them to the post-season and you could see that the players were prepared every week during that span.
This time around, the Dolphins look as though they are simply going through the motions. Gase spends a lot of time rolling his head and eyes on the sideline every time an assignment is missed. And that, along with the penalties seems is at least once if not twice every series.
This problem also extends to the locker room and the players themselves who Adam Gase has pointed out do not work on their own to prepare for the games and to learn the playbook.