This year the Miami Dolphins look to turn it up, with more intensity, and more aggressiveness. Expectations are at an all time high, more is expected, not more of the same.
Head coach Adam Gase must be going crazy inside, waiting to put his new team on the field. He has worked around the clock all through the off-season, and probably in his sleep as well, to gather a roster of his liking.
Too many times a new head coach gets stuck with a roster he did not choose. Gase has labored through two years of that, now it is time to get his point across , but not by his words, but with his own hand-picked roster. That would make any coach over flow with anticipation. Gase has put so much into developing this entire team, it must feel like his very own child.
The fan base has questioned some of the decisions Gase has made, like Jay Cutler. What was he supposed to do after losing his starting Quarterback Ryan Tannehill? He went to what was most familiar, where the learning curve is smaller in a shorter period of time. There were other options I agree, but Adam Gase didn’t see it that way.
Gase has not been shy when dealing with overbearing players. Like a dealer in a poker game, he has called their bluff, and at times he went all in, even when he didn’t have much to bet with. He has been dealt a new hand, with a new roster, and starting out in a new year. This time the players seem to be all in, everyone has their eye on the pot.
The road has been long, the load has been heavy , and now we just might have a team, that pulls for the coach and not just for themselves. Are these players a brotherhood? Maybe, Adam Gase thinks so, he just might be right, and he might have been right all along. The team is saddled up and ready to ride, you can believe Gase has a tight grip on the reins.
All the Dolphin fans want more but Adam Gase is demanding it.