The gents over at TheFishtTank have a new podcast and joining them now is Miami Dolphins great Mark Clayton to spill his story.
The Fish Tank podcast has another fantastic guest this week with legendary and “should be in the Hall of Fame” receiver Mark Clayton. Clayton joins Seth Levit and O.J. McDuffie in the latest can’t miss podcast.
Clayton gives his memories on playing for the Miami Dolphins but I have a memory of my own that I will share.
#MarkClayton @hands83 dazzled for a decade as @DanMarino’s primary target & he was every bit as dynamic in this episode of #TheTank! This is one you don’t want to miss. #DiveIn #finsup #miamidolphins@5ReasonsSports @planet_protein @ojmcduffie81
— TheFishTank (@TheFishTank81) December 4, 2018
I have met Mark Clayton twice in my life. Once before a Dolphins game in Miami a couple of years ago and once after a game that he played in Cleveland, Oh. a couple of decades ago. The year was 1986 and I was a senior in high-school at the time that the Dolphins visited Cleveland on November 10th. My mother took me to the game and after it was over I found myself waiting outside the stadium for the players.
Back then security wasn’t really that good and this 17-year-old simply walked past the busses and to the locker room where I spoke with Dolphins great linebacker John Offerdahl for a few minutes before wandering back towards the busses where I ran into Mark Clayton, Mark Duper, and running back Ron Davenport.
I walked up to them just as they started a conversation about the game. For whatever reason they didn’t look at me like I shouldn’t be there and I found myself in the middle of Mark Clayton complaining about Dan Marino.
“I was open the whole game man,” he said, “all he had to do was throw me the ball and we win this game”. Clayton and Duper both scored touchdowns that game but Miami lost. Clayton had six receptions for 99 yards that game but he was still giving Marino the fault for the loss.
As I stood there somewhat dumbfounded, Clayton put his hand on my shoulder and said, “come on kid, you watched the game, tell me I wasn’t open”. I laughed and said, “yeah man, you were open the whole game”.
Duper stood there laughing and looked at me and said, “don’t feed that kid, he always says he is open.” Of course Clayton said, “Yeah cause I am”.
Off in the distance my mother just shook her head as I chatted with them until they left for the bus. It was a great memory and a lot of fun. A few moments later I would meet Marino for the first time and walked with him to the team bus.
While my story is fun for me, Mark Clayton has a lot more that you have to hear for yourself. Jump over to TheFishTank and dive in for a podcast you surely do not want to miss!