New Era, the cap making company that provides the NFL with their draft hats to hand out to the players on draft day has released the hats to the public.
There was a time when hats were actually pretty awesome but apparently the company has decided to go with rather mundane looks that really have no place on anyone’s head. Of course like all hats, it is subjective. Everyone has different tastes and some will view this years group of hats as better than last years while others like me see a continuing trend in lazy design.
This years design is supposed to incorporate each teams state flag or in some cases, like the Dolphins, the city of Miami flag. Although I’m not sure they hit that mark.

The hat is designed to be similar to the Miami City flag, which is located below. What is with the furry fingers that are supposed to be what I assume are palm fronds is kind of goofy. Last year I wasnt a fan of the look so it is no surprise that I am not a fan of this years look either. If you recall it was a gray front plate with the elevated stitched letters that said “GO FINS” above the logo. The letters were off center and looked very hokey. It was one of the worst in the league.

To be honest I want to like these hats. As a “hat” guy, I am very picky about what I wear. Back in the day the paint striped hats and those sorts of draft hats were all the rage and I loved them. I’m not sure what it is about these new looks but they won’t be worn on my head.
It is clear that New Era is trying to individualize each teams hat as they did last year but it is also clear they don’t have a pulse on what actually looks good. While this years design may be an upgrade of the 2018 version which really wasn’t that difficult.
The release of the NFL Draft hats has become a pretty big deal for many as it really kicks-off the draft month.
What do you think of this years hat design? Discuss it in the comments.