The Miami Dolphins could field an all-star baseball team if of course, they were, well you know, a baseball team.
Many fans in South Florida have slanted their allegiance to the NBA and the Miami Heat but make no mistake, Miami is at its core a football town. While the Marlins are the Marlins and not very good, what kind of MLB All-Star team could the Dolphins field?
We take a look at that question for a little off-season fun to celebrate MLB’s All-Star game. After all, it’s not like the NFL Pro-Bowl is worth watching anymore.

My lineup starts in the outfield where I played center field from the time I was five until my softball years in my mid-40’s. My outfield is all about speed. I want guys that can cover the deep balls and still be able to curl up and cut off the dinks over the in-field.
At centerfield, I’m playing the very talented and capable Minkah Fitzpatrick. Having a guy who can call the outfield shifts and cover the gaps between the left and right fielders is important and Fitzpatrick probably has the arm to get the ball to the catcher. Why? Because he can do everything else.
Left-field belongs to Albert Wilson. He can cover the gap and protect the line. Knowing that he can go up for balls in the NFL tells me this guy can go up and over the home run line to rob hitters of home runs.
Right field belongs to DeVante Parker. He has a lot of talent and can get some air but unlike the NFL he won’t have to shield off defenders. He has good enough speed to cover the short fly balls in the hole.