The five most overrated players on the Miami Dolphins 2020 roster might surprise you.
When it comes to the 2020 Miami Dolphins, the youth movement continues but there are players that are a little more than overrated.
This is not to say that these players are not good or that I don’t like them, that is far from the truth but some have a little too much cred being thrown in their direction right now and that makes them a bit overrated.
The Miami Dolphins are full-on in camp right now but this year’s camp is a far cry from any training camp in the history of the league and that has caused a lot of problems for coaches and the fact that the NFL has mandated press members not be allowed to Tweet during the practices has made finding any news tough.
When it comes to the Dolphins, Miami is controlling what is released on social media and while there hasn’t been much but a bunch of guys running sprints, that will likely change in the near future. Contact practices are set to start around the 17th of this month.
When contact starts, we will find out if any of these five players are the real deal and ready to pick up or if they are, indeed, overrated.