If you could bring back one player from any era of Miami Dolphins football and put them on the field today with this team, who would it be?
You could easily pick five players without giving it any thought at all. Dan Marino, Larry Csonka, Dwight Stephenson, Jason Taylor, and maybe argue over the final spot going to Nick Buoniconti or Larry Little if you could bring back five. The five players that you could bring back would dwindle considerably if you took Hall of Fame credentials out of the mix and said they were off-limits.
So those six mentioned above, nope you can’t use them in this game. If that is the case, how much harder would it be to find five players that you could put on today’s team and field an amazing roster?
It still wouldn’t be that hard. I mean I can tick off another five without even thinking about it. Zach Thomas, Bob Kuechenberg, Jake Scott, Dick Anderson, Richmond Webb, and of course the Mark Brothers.
For me, if I could only bring back one player, it would have to be Zach Thomas. I think Thomas is a guy that would flourish in the Brian Flores defense. A leader that immediately makes the unit better and the locker room better. I could argue the other names on my list of eight above but I couldn’t pass on Thomas.
Offensively, I would bring back Bob Kuechenberg. No offense to Richmond Webb who I love and believe should be in the HOF but Kooch was brutal, physical, and his longevity was crazy. Kooch would change the attitude of the offensive line and immediately make them all tougher, or he would probably kick their butts off the team himself.
What about you? If you could bring back one player on offense and one on defense who would those two players be?