I know I know, how can the whole entire offensive line be one of Sern’s 5 dudes not named Tua who had an excellent game blog? It was able to happen because I am in fact the one writing the blog. If that upsets you in any way, well I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sure you feel better now.
If you don’t think the entire offensive line deserves props for playing well please reach out to Austin Jackson, Solomon Kindley, Michael Dieter, Big Bob Hunt, Jesse Davis, Liam Eichenberg, and the rest of the guys that got in the trench and let them know you didn’t like how they played.
It can’t be stated enough how well the o-line played against Atlanta. Did they maul them into a fine pulp? No. But did they do what they had to do to them whenever they wanted to? Yes. Yes, they did.
They drove the defensive line back, pulled well, stepped well, and got on their barstool, and allowed Tua to navigate the pocket and throw dart after dart. That’s what was amazing to watch. The offensive line let Tua be a real maestro back there, step up, and hit crescendo after crescendo.
Like I mentioned earlier, I think Liam Eichenberg showed that he should be the starting right tackle over Jesse Davis who only had a so-so day. Davis will have a role on this team and that will probably be somewhere else on the offensive line.