I suppose I can list a bunch more than three players that I am looking for improvement in this Sunday when the Miami Dolphins travel to Met Life Stadium against the Jets. I mean if we’re being upfront about all this, I’d like for every player, coach, and fan to be better on Sunday and every day for that matter. I realize that might be a bit tough and an unrealistic ask but hey I say aim high.
For this article, I’m just going to focus on three Miami Dolphins players that have underachieved that I feel actually has it in them to be better than what they’ve shown thus far. These players are players that we all have thought about throughout the season or very recently. So before you go ahead and tell me “no duh” yeah I know. It’s not like I’m going to name a player that you’re all like “oh man I haven’t even thought or have seen that guy’s name all year. Good on Sern for doing that real tough digging.” I’m not breaking news with these words here today.
Instead, I just want to highlight a couple of players who have a chance on Sunday, partly because it’s the Jets and the Dolphins have a bit of swag right now, who might ride that wave into some better play. I’m a firm believer in if you feel good you can work good. The team has momentum right now, which should make the players feel good. If you’re a struggling player, there’s no better time to be motivated than right now. I’m hoping for these players to feel good on Sunday.