3 sneaky keys the Miami Dolphins need to turn to finally beat one of the "real teams" in the Philadelphia Eagles

Carolina Panthers v Miami Dolphins
Carolina Panthers v Miami Dolphins / Rich Storry/GettyImages
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This is a big week for the Miami Dolphins and even us fans. It's probably leaning a bit more important toward the actual football team a bit but we fans have been hearing about the Dolphins being a fraud or not trustworthy since the shellacking they took up in Buffalo. And I have to admit, the unpleasant words we've had hurled at us are sort of deserved.

We've been told about how the teams the Miami Dolphins have beaten have like a .172 winning percentage and that the Dolphin's offense is simply beating up on a combination of the Puddy Patrol and Foot Klan. Not that I don't love how this Miami Dolphins team takes care of business against the bottom feeders of the league but let's be honest; if the Dolphins don't win games against the real teams in the league such as the Eagles, Bills, Chiefs, 49ers all the talk that Miami can't be trusted is kind of true.

That doesn't mean that if Miami loses on Sunday against the Philadelphia Eagles there is no way the Dolphins can't go on a run in January. it just means that they haven't done anything to say they will. I have faith in my team but it would be an alright thing to have that faith validated once in a while.

Miami has that chance this week on Sunday night against an Eagles team that got pantsed by the New York Jets who were missing a bunch of their starting secondary. They made Jalen Hurts look like the guy that Tua Tagovailoa filled in for in the national championship game many moons ago. This means, you would think, that the Dolphins are going to see a very focused Philly team. Could be wrong but you would think they will revert back a bit to the Super Bowl team from last year.

This means the Dolphins need to be on their game. I know what a shocking piece of analysis but it's true. If Miami goes into Philly, which is a town that is riding an unreal high stoked by the Phillies, they will get put down as John Cena did in that one Brock Lesnar match where he German suplexed him about 40 times.

As of right now, nothing is indicating that the Miami Dolphins aren't on their game. Sure, there are some guys that are on the injury report but that's the case every week. Injuries are part of the game and it isn't something I personally use as a reason why a team loses unless it's a QB or Tyreek Hill. They're both playing so there is no good reason why Miami can't keep their success rolling.

Every game has those obvious keys or elements that need to happen such as winning the turnover battle, winning in the trenches, making more explosive plays, getting to the QB, taking care of special teams, football jargon, football jargon, football jargon, etc. This article is about those somewhat, or at least to me, somewhat under-the-radar keys that the Miami Dolphins need to beat the Eagles, let the league that Miami is in fact a team that can beat the "real" teams of the NFL, and get to year 6-1 for the first time since 1999. Let me know if you have any other sneaky keys to the game.