Who are the top-10 Miami Dolphins players of all time? a trip down memory lane where we will go over some of the best to wear aqua and orange.
Draft season is almost here, but we are still in off-season mode. You've probably read 500 mock drafts and counting, so let's switch it up by going back in time to the good ol' days. Fortunately for the Dolphins the good ol' days are very good, some might even say flawless.
The Miami Dolphin are a historic franchise, that has produced numerous iconic players who have been amongst the greatest ever to play this game. The Miami Dolphins have not lived their best days in the last 20 or so years. But that should not mean that we forget about the players that made this franchise so great.
In their storied path in the NFL, the Dolphins achieved the only perfect season in the league's history (1972) and have seen many legends grace their roster. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the 10 best Miami Dolphins players of all time.
Before we start its important to note that this list is my personal top-10 Miami Dolphins of all time, yours could be completely different and that is okay. If anything, disagreements often lead to some great discussions, so make sure to list your personal top-10 Miami Dolphins down in the comments.
Well let's begin, the top-10 Miami Dolphins players of all time. The first player on the list might shock you: