The Miami Dolphins believe that Jason Sanders is their long-term solution at the kicker position and they extended his contract this year. Now, with Sanders locked up until 2026, he can set his eyes on a Dolphins record.
Earlier I asked on Twitter for the name of a player and Dan Bean threw out the name Jason Sanders so we decided to fill our Saturday with a Sanders article!
When we think of a team’s all-time scorer we don’t initially think about the kicker but in most cases, the kicker is the guy who scores the most points for a team. Currently, the Dolphins All-Time scoring leaders are Dan Carpenter with 535 points, Uwe Von Schamann with 540, Pete Stoyanovich with 774, Garo Yepremian with 830, and leading them all is Olindo Mare with 1,048,
That’s a long way to go for Sanders to reach. Mare played for the Dolphins from 1997 to 2006, that’s 10 years of football seasons. Sanders has three under his belt.
So far, Sanders has 331 points off his leg. 77 field goals made plus 100 extra points, but he also gets another six points for the touchdown pass he caught from Matt Haack. So Sanders, for now, is at 337. He should come into range of surpassing Carpenter sometime in the next year and a half. He will also benefit from having a 17th game.

For Sanders, longevity will be the key. 10 years is a long time to stay with one team and it’s not seen very often in today’s NFL, especially for kickers.
Mare’s best season came in his 3rd NFL season with Miami. He made 39 field goals and 27 extra points that was enough to own the Miami Dolphins single-season scoring record but in 2020, Sanders made 36 field goals on 39 attempts and 36 extra points which gave him 144 on the season. Now, the two share the single-season record.
Mare holds almost all of the kicking records for the Dolphins including “Most Field Goals in a year and career, but it is Sanders who owns the team record for most in a game, seven against the Jets in 2019.
Sanders also now owns the consecutive field goal attempts made with 22, a record he set last year and took away from Mare who held the previous record with 19. Sanders has a bright future with the Dolphins but if wants all of those records in Miami, he is going to need to be good to get another contract after this one. If he plays out his deal, Sanders will have nine years with Miami, and he should be pretty close to owning them all.