Date approaching for Miami to make a uniform change Dolphins fans want

It's time for them to read the room and listen
Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa
Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa | Patrick McDermott/GettyImages

Some Miami Dolphins fans don't want to hear about it and they don't like change but for many others, one change would be incredibly welcome.

The Dolphins have a long, rich history that has been rather below their own standards for the last 20 years. We can blame owner Stephen Ross and general manager Chris Grier for a lot of it, but Miami also struggled through Wayne Huizenga and guys like Cam Cameron and, yes, Nick Saban too.

Throughout all the misery Dolphins fans endured, one thing reminded us that there was a history that needed to be repeated. Something that said, "Hey, we are the Miami Dolphins!" Then, Ross took even that away.

On March 1st, the Dolphins will need to notify the NFL of any uniform changes that can happen ahead of the 2026 season but as long as Ross owns Miami, don't expect any changes to take place. This is despite the fact most of the organization quietly believes the original logo is still the best look in the league.

The Dolphins like the new logo, or at least they will publicly tell you. Former CEO Mike Dee oversaw the design and once told a bunch of website owners that the new logo would "make the old logo a collector's item." Much like Dee's career in Miami, nothing good happened.

Dolphins fans are greeted once, maybe twice a year with the announcement of a throwback weekend, and every time they do, fans eat it up and go nuts. The players have said how much they love playing in the far nicer uniforms and how the field designs just pop.

Years ago, I interviewed current CEO Tom Garfinkel, and I asked him about the logo. He said he loved the old logo. When I ran the interview through the media department, they asked me to edit that out. See, they all secretly love the old style.

Stephen Ross won't change the Miami Dolphins logo because of money

Everywhere in Miami's training facility, you will see the current Dolphins logo. At the stadium, the logo is even on bathroom tiles. That's an expensive change that Ross sees no reason to go through. The current logo is, after all, his legacy to the team. Even if he gives up his ownership to his daughter, the logo won't change.

The second reason is also money. Ross knows that fans are buying the current logo and he also knows they have the option to buy the retro logo as well and when fans sport both on game days, it's money in his pocket. It's the best of both worlds.

March 1st will come and go and fans will once again be disappointed the Dolphins don't hear their pleas for a return to when they were relevant and winning consistently. Miami felt the need to change.

Someday, maybe Ross and his family won't own the team, and the new owner will look at the Dolphins and give the fans what they want.

Ross doesn't have to give up his logo, however. It could be his stadium logo where nothing would need to change but the actual Miami uniforms.

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