3 things we learned as we watched the Miami Dolphins get sweet revenge from the Chargers

Miami Dolphins v Los Angeles Chargers
Miami Dolphins v Los Angeles Chargers / Harry How/GettyImages
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By now, I assume y'all have consumed a ton of Miami Dolphins' highlights of their extremely gutty and impressive victory over the Los Angeles Chargers. Most of you probably know exactly when the NFL Network will have the game replayed so that you can experience the totality of what the squad did on Sunday. Nothing wrong with that. That's what I want you to do.

It really was a masterclass on how to keep getting knocked down and how to keep getting back up better and better. Like Rocky Balboa said, "It ain't about how hard you're hit, it's about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." Well, the Miami Dolphins kept getting hit by the Charger's bludgeoning, efficient offense, and time after time the Dolphins answered the bell.

Even when the Dolphins fumbled the ball inside the five on their first drive and when Tua threw an INT in the endzone, the Miami Dolphins acted like, once again like Rocky Balboa, and kept saying "ain't so bad ain't so bad, you ain't nothin."

Here's a stat that may just blow your mind.

Now I don't know about you, but that stat feels awfully a lot like the one from last year when the Dolphins beat the Bills when Buffalo had 90 plays on offense.

But that is what the Miami Dolphins went out and did. They weren't perfect and they had a good amount to clean up, especially on one side of the ball.

When it was time though for that defense to go out and make a few plays in the most important part of the game the defense rose up and shut the door on any type of a last minute Chaerger's victory.

It goes without saying that the Dolphins Chargers game from Sunday is the current game of the year unless the Jets and Bills do something prolific. Yes, there are 17 more weeks but my logic is sound.

A lot happened out there on Sunday. There's a ton to be happy about. It certainly appears that the Miami Dolphins look very comfortable out there and are playing to their strengths something that doesn't happen too much around these parts. Although it was only one week, a great deal was learned and some things were written stone.