In his retirement, Peter King gives a shoutout to the Miami Dolphins in his final post

Peter King is a legend in the sports world and Monday was his last day as he announced his retirement.
Super Bowl XLVI Broadcasters Press Conference
Super Bowl XLVI Broadcasters Press Conference | Scott Halleran/GettyImages

Few have done it better than Peter King who carved out a 44-year career covering sports. Someday, the journalist will take his place as a contributor in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

On Monday, King announced that it would be his last Good Morning Football and at the age of 66 and 44 years of covering sports, he is hanging it up to spend more time with his family. King, however, got one last mention of the Miami Dolphins.

""I think there’s one thing that was going to die in my notebook because I never got to it this season, but I decided to include it here under the heading of “Team I Think you Might Be Overlooking for 2024." The Dolphins.""
Peter King

It isn't every day that a legend hangs it up but we are starting to see the transitions to younger personalities taking over. Journalism, as an art form and even as a career, has taken a hit over the last decade. The internet has become a haven for immediate news and social media has replaced the need for newspaper online forums.

It is hard to believe that a couple of decades ago, news came from a printed paper but now, it is easily found with a quick Google search. For many journalists, it was a hard and at times career-ending transition. To this day, many publications continue to lay off employees and even bit networks like ESPN are finding it difficult to maintain a consistent audience. Peter King managed to succeed where so many others had failed.

His comments about the Dolphins are interesting. There is a lot to like about Miami going forward but there are some who believe the Dolphins are not built for sustained success and the window is starting to close on their future.

The Dolphins will enter the free agency market with a lot of holes to fill, even if only in the short term. The fact that King believes the Dolphins are a team to watch is an interesting one. Unfortunately, it isn't likely to get a follow-up as to why he thinks the Dolphins are a team to watch in 2024.

From those of us who have followed along with Peter King on paper and on the internet, it has been a wonderful journey and a helluva ride. Nothing but the best to Mr. King! Enjoy your retirement.
