The signing of Chad Pennington yesterday by the The signing of Chad Pennington yesterday by the

Not Just A Hand Me Down


The signing of Chad Pennington yesterday by the Miami Dolphins has a “Good Will” shopping feel to it.  Another hand me down in a long line of never were’s and has beens.  That may not be the case here.  In fact, it really isn’t all that hard to see why it was done, after the initial shock wears off.

Pennington brings to the Dolphins something that they are desperately lacking…leadership.  The Phins thought they got that last year with Trent Green, the year before with Daunte Culpepper, the year before that with Gus Frerrote, and of course the year before that with ummm, well, o.k. the year before that it was Jay Fiedler who in hindsight was the best leader this offense has had since Marino left…I can’t believe I just said that…but it’s true.

The big difference between all of those and Pennington is simple, with those QB’s this team was still trying to win games with the impression that they were good enough to compete for the playoffs.  This is not the case with Miami as Pennington will not be asked to carry this team on his shoulders, to the playoffs, or anywhere else.  He is a caretaker and nothing more and he knows that.  This is Chad Henne’s team and he knows that too.

For once Miami actually took from a divisional team instead of giving something instead.  We have watched as the Patriots and Jets have signed our free agents and our discards, now, we finally get a little knowledge of the playbook.  Pennington will not just help in game, but also with the prep work…he knows how they run the show not just how they work the game.  From coaching philosophy to clock management.  Finally at least a little bonus.

This team will have to make a decision, keep John Beck another year and see what you get or keep Josh McCown knowing what you have.  Neither QB has performed well this training camp and both come with guaranteed price tags that range between 2.25 for Beck and 2.5 for McCown.

Keeping Beck would make the most sense because he has yet to prove that he can or can’t play at this level, McCown is a 7 year veteran who has journeyed from city to city and still done nothing.  Arguments could be made for either one and against either one.

In any case, the QB competition once again seems to have become a one man show instead of a full blown concert.  The real drama unfolds as two QB’s battle for the right to have a job, and the 3rd battles to move up in the rotation against the winner of Beck and McCown.

Not much of a win/win situation for Miami, but hey it could be worse.  We could be looking at Quincy Carter instead.