Miami Dolphins Dawn Aponte moving on


The Miami Dolphins’ executive Dawn Aponte has been a vital part of the Dolphins front office but now she is moving on and leaving the Dolphins behind.

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A stellar salary cap economist, Aponte became an insiders voice to owner Stephen Ross. Her time in Miami can not be characterized as smooth sailing. In 2012 a riff began to develop between her and then general manager Jeff Ireland.

That riff continued through the 2013 season and become so bad that Aponte and head coach Joe Philbin took up sides against Ireland. Ireland would lose his job at the end of the season. The following year Aponte was rumored to be wanting to move on from Philbin as well.

Despite the internal fighting that went on, there was one better that Aponte to handle salary negotiations. Aponte was hailed league wide for her assention in a world dominated by men.

While Apone will not be with the Miami Dolphins she is still staying close to Stephen Ross.

Aponte will assume a top role with RSE Ventures which is a Stephen Ross company that is managed by business partner Matt Higgins. They are clacifying it as a transitioning according to the Miami Herald.

"“I see this as a branch transfer for Dawn,” Tannenbaum said. “She’s working for Matt now but will still be available to us to give us her thoughts on big picture approaches to matters. Brandon worked here under Dawn a long time and he understands our culture and how we approach things. He’s seen how Dawn does it. How I’ve done it. But he has his own ideas.”"

Aponte has been in the NFL for 25 years and will now leave the league for the sports and entertaiment business of RSE Ventures.

The Dolphins have promoted Brandon Shore into Aponte’s place. Mike Tannenbaum will likey have a greater voice in contract negotiations and will continue to have final say over all Dolphins personnel matters.