Fighting Miami Dolphins fans lose season tickets

ByBrian Miller|

An embarrassing event occurred on Sunday that did not involve the Miami Dolphins giving up almost 17 points in the waning moments of the contest on the field. No, it took place in the stands.

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The melee involved Miami Dolphins season ticket holders and a small group of 49’ers fans in the upper deck endzone. The Dolphins fans began taunting the 49’er fans and then hurling slurs about Colin Kaepernick before hurling fists.

A viral video of the event, captured on a cell phone, was released by

Tempers had been high in Miami following an exchange between Cuban-American reporter Armando Salguero and Kaepernick during a media segment heading into the game. Kaepernicks remarks and apparent support, although he denies the claim, of Fidel Castro was not made better after Castro’s death on Friday.

The Dolphins however were quick with their investigation and swift with their punishment although they are not releasing names. Those involved in the incident have had their season tickets revoked and have been banned from Hard Rock Stadium

“We conducted an immediate internal review of the situation and have identified the season ticket members who were involved in the incident,” the team said in a written statement. “ …. We work hard to remind fans that we want this to be a safe environment and this type of behavior and conduct is not acceptable.” Via the Miami Herald.

The footage in the video is disturbing. A mother holding a young child is in the middle of the attack. While the video doesn’t show exactly what began the incident another incident took place in the section I was in.

A fan of the 49’ers opted to stand in front of a group of Dolphins fans and refused to sit down, instead he opted to talk on his cell phone with his back turned towards the game. Several fans became irritated and began yelling at him which began to the escalate the situation. Cooler heads eventually prevailed and the fan left the section but not before being berated by the Dolphins fans as he was leaving.

The Dolphins have made fan safety a priority over the years and owner Stephen Ross has insisted on a no-tolerance policy regarding fan fighting. In fact, numbers are posted around the stadium that a text can be sent to in order to report a problem before it escalates.
