11 years of PhinPhanatic! Thank you for supporting us

Brian Miller sitting at the coaches desk in the Dolphins locker room at the stadium - 2007
Brian Miller sitting at the coaches desk in the Dolphins locker room at the stadium - 2007

In 2007 Zach and Adam Best began a journey that would still be growing in size 11 years later. And they started PhinPhanatic.com

On May 10th, 2007, Adam Best posted the official PhinPhanatic welcome post. You can read that here. It was also the day he officially introduced me as this sites editor. Yes, I have been here since day one.

My first post came sometime in April of 2007. Lost by time somewhere in the digital world. Early on I was transitioning from the old Miami Herald forum to a daily fan writer but on May 10th, we made the site official.

Without question there are obvious people to thank over the last 11 years. The Best brothers of course for giving me this chance and all the staff writers who have come and gone over those 11 years. The entire FanSided Network which started with just two sites, PhinPhanatic and Arrowhead Addict.

Most important however is all of you, the readers who have followed me on this journey, bashed me for my stupid opinions, criticized and chastised me over these 11 years. And of course those who have supported me daily. It is through all of you that I have made it through 11 years and even those who do criticize you have taught me lessons about myself and I have learned to let my skin grow thick.

Since arriving at FanSided back in 2007 I have written over 10,000 articles. Our site claims that I am approaching the 7,000 post milestone but so many articles were written and deleted over these years.

2018 is going to be special for me as a writer. For the first time in these 11 years I will do something I have never done before covering the Dolphins and we will bring that up officially at the appropriate time.

More from Phin Phanatic

I do need to thank the Dolphins themselves. Our site has won multiple Webbie awards that are voted on by other Miami Dolphins fansites and presented at the Dolphins annual Web Weekend event. The Dolphins have been very good to me and through them I have met lifelong friends that are too many to mention but include the DolfansNYC peeps, Michelle, Igor, and Brian, the Shed Dawgs of Newfoundland, Mike Brothers and his entire family, Neil, and everyone else up there. Also Dave Buechler, Matt Kent, and Steve Pollack. I’m missing so many I know.

I can’t forget Cat, Paul, and James for our time on FinsRadio as well.

All of them are more family than friends.

It is important as well to thank Scott Stone of the Miami Dolphins. He has been with the team since the Don Shula era and through his guidance and more importantly his friendship I have been able to develop as a writer with integrity and professionalism.

11 years. Hard to believe. My wife and kids have watched me pound away at a keyboard and take trips to Miami to cover the team I love with no hesitation and full support. I also have to thank my in-laws from driving to NC from Ohio to watch my kids when I go and play writer out-of-town.

Thank you!  To all of you for making our site part of your day for 11 years.
