Miami Dolphins Stephen Ross needs to get this off-season right

A Dolphins helmet sits in the Miami locker room - image by Brian Miller
A Dolphins helmet sits in the Miami locker room - image by Brian Miller

Miami Dolphins owner is facing another off-season of uncertainty as it relates to more changes within the organization.

Stephen Ross took over the Miami Dolphins with Bill Parcells already at the helm of his franchise. Ross took over Parcells’ guaranteed contract but watched him leave two years later leaving the franchise in the hands of Jeff Ireland.

A long arduous journey of front off flops, misses, and some downright painful reality checks took over the franchise and Ross’ ownership. Now, almost 10 years later Ross is still trying to get his front office right and it doesn’t appear as though he will this year.

From Jeff Ireland to a push and shove struggle for power with Dawn Aponte, to the race of Jim Harbaugh and the embarrassment of Tony Sparano. From Joe Philbin and search for a general manager that had more prospects back and turn him down to Dennis Hickey and finally Mike Tannenbaum. Ross has been on a rollercoaster that needs to finally come to a stop.

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It is being reported that Mike Tannenbaum is out. Step one is “a-okay”. The next move Ross makes will be the important one. Does he keep Chris Grier and let him decide the future of Adam Gase? Does he replace Mike Tannenbaum and let that person decide the fate of Chris Grier and Adam Gase? Does he replace Tannenbaum but not give that person the power to replace anyone?

The problem for Stephen Ross is that he needs to get someone with a good football mind and a solid evaluator of talent and let that person run his team. With full control.

If current circulating rumors are true Ross intends to fire Tannenbaum and retain Grier and Gase. There is nothing wrong with this decision however Ross had a tendency to hold on to people a year too long. So will we be talking about Gase and Grier next season? Clearly barring a playoff run or a challenge to the division we most certainly will.

There isn’t a lot of expectations in terms of Ross getting this right because in reality he is taking a big gamble no matter what he does. With Tannenbaum gone, Grier and Gase could work very well together or they could flop and we go through another change next year. If he fires everyone and starts over, he is risking another reset that could set the team back further.

It is going to be an interesting off-season and it is going to start a lot sooner than anyone had hoped.
